Monday, July 8, 2013

What's Hidden Underneath: Elizabeth Sturges Llerena at Linden Place

What's Hidden Underneath: Another Look at the Legacy of Linden Place

Click here for a video of installations at Linden Place Museum in Bristol, Rhode Island. 

My ancestor George DeWolf built the 1810 mansion with one year's profits made from the MAAFA, or Transatlantic Slave Trade. 
Included in the video are parts of the performance 
How She Forgot: Amnesia in Nine Parts  .

Selections from: 
What's Hidden Underneath: 
Another Look at the Legacy of Linden Place

Just A Spoonful of Sugar (or The 18 Hour Workday)

Unsigned, undated landscape,  Linden Place Museum 

Home Sweet Home
mixed media

Home Sweet Home (detail)

from "Until One Day...."
mixed media

from "Until One Day...."


Raices de Esperanza
(Roots of Hope)
thread on linen